Take5: Unite to Light the Way

Contact us

Take5 Mason was created by Nick Lennon, Ph.D.

Dr. Nick Lennon is the Director of the Center for Leadership and Intercultural Engagement at George Mason University.

Nick received his BA in Psychology from Hamilton College in New York, and received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from The University of Texas at Austin (UT). After his Ph.D. he moved to Japan to teach English for a year. Nick started working at George Mason University in June 2011 and is the Director of the Center for Leadership and Intercultural Engagement. Nick’s work is focused on ethics, culture and leadership. He oversees the Center for Leadership and Intercultural Engagement, which helps students develop as effective, ethical leaders through a series of workshops, conferences, classes, speakers, dialogues, and retreats. Nick teaches a 4-credit Ethics and Leadership course which is part of Mason’s leadership concentration and minor. He has also led groups of undergraduate and graduate students on two different study abroad programs: “Ethics and Leadership: Lessons from the Holocaust” (a 3-credit program visiting Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic), and “Leadership Across Difference: Lessons from Medieval Spain” (a 3-credit program visiting various locations in Spain). Nick has traveled extensively in the U.S., Europe and Asia.

For more information and resources, please contact Nick at: nlennon@gmu.edu